Breaking Down Anxiety
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known to God. And the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
—Phil. 4:6–7 ESV”
This verse can easily apply to almost any part of life. How does it apply when looking through the lens of being single?
In our society, we often imagine a natural progression in life of school, advanced degrees, marriage, career, and children. The order may change a little bit, but it is somewhat expected that this is the path most of our lives will take. So what happens when you haven't met that special someone by the time you finish college? Maybe you are well into your career and are still single. Maybe you are single again after being married and wonder if you will ever find that level of companionship again.
The Bible gives us step-by-step instructions on how to face these uncertain or frustrating times in Philippians 4:6-7.
“Be Anxious About Nothing”
If you feel lonely in your singleness, your mind may start to worry about the future. It is natural to wonder if God has completely forgotten about you as you wait and wait and wait. You may even question if God really has the perfect timing.
Settling for a marriage based on your need for companionship or convenience may seem like the only way out of the loneliness. The truth is that there is another way. You can learn to tap into some of that peace that Philippians says comes through Christ Jesus. It really can be better to be single and determine how to receive that peace through Christ than to settle for a marriage for companionship or convenience. The good news is that God IS trustworthy, He DOES see you, and He does have reasons. He is preparing good things for you if you are willing to wait for them and not settle for something less.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.”
25 The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
to the soul who seeks him.
—Lam. 3:24–25 ESV
"By Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving"
While waiting, you can prepare for what you are expecting. The time can be spent growing into the person God is calling you to be. When you find a spouse, not only will you receive, but much will be expected of you as well. Use the wait to grow as an individual and prepare for who you will need to be as a spouse. There is someone on the other end of your dream waiting for you, too.
Thank Him right where you are, in the waiting. No matter your circumstances, there is something you can be thankful for right now. I promise! Maybe you have many, many things to be thankful for, and you just need to remember them. Either way, being thankful for where you are and what you have will allow you to enjoy more, grow more, and love more.
"Let Your Requests Be Made Known to God"
It is okay to cry out to God. The Bible tells us that God meets our every need and it's okay to tell Him what you are feeling and what you want. He knows the desires of your heart, but He wants to hear them from you. And as you make your requests known, ask Him to make the desires of your heart line up with the plans He has for you. It's not always easy to see or understand, but His plans are always better than ours! "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9
If you allow Him to consume you, you will be filled. By allowing Him to be your everything, you will be strengthened and able to wait for His timing, in His hope. And that leads us to the promise of this verse.
"The Peace of God, Which Surpasses All Understanding, Will Guard Your Heart and Mind"
Those words feel like a bit of a grand finale for me. I would add a few exclamation marks! We live in a world full of temptations. Our society is accustomed to instant gratification and very little accountability. Relational and sexual temptations are everywhere. How powerful, that God wants to guard our hearts and minds! (Taken from, From Single to the Knot) As we pour our hearts out to Him, he builds protection around our hearts and minds from the daily trials and lures.
There is a lot to be shared here so let's save it for another post. As I continue digging into this verse, we will look at how peace and fear cannot coexist. Fear preaches lies and we must receive God's peace to guard against those lies.
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